The 3 best papers will be awarded; Architecture, Engineering, Concrete.
The awarded papers will receive 1000 euros each from SIKA, a certificate from the Eduardo Torroja Foundation, and they will be published in one of the journals of the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science - "Informes de la Construcción" or "Materiales de la Construcción"/ IETcc-CSIC, if they are approved according to the journals regulations.

The Eduardo Torroja Foundation will inform about the members of the jury.


The Eduardo Torroja Foundation will gift each participant in the Conference with a catalogue book of the Eduardo Torroja Museum.

The participants will be able to choose the language in which they want the catalogue book:




On the other hand, this catalogue books can be downloaded for free from the Eduardo Torroja Foundation web


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Fundación Eduardo Torroja  −  C/ Almagro nº42, 28010 Madrid    −   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Privacy Policy     Translated by Margaret Clark

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