The Fundación EDUARDO TORROJA, was created in 2004 to: 


- Act as a vehicle for the mutual empowerment of architecture and civil engineering through the organisation of related activities; to identify areas of relevant research and encourage their exploration; and to further the visibility of new trends and know-how in these disciplines, all from an integrative and multi-disciplinary perspective, inspired by Eduardo Torroja’s example.


- In this context, one of the foundation’s primary aims is to update, maintain and publish a detailed inventory of all the documents comprising Eduardo Torroja’s scientific and technical legacy, regardless of their location.



The ultimate objective is to enhance general awareness of the lessons to be learnt from the timeless model of thought and action on which Eduardo Torroja based his international and multi-disciplinary endeavour. This model charts a specific pathway for innovation to meet the current and future needs of a changing society.



 cuadradoamarillo  International Ideas Competition 2016. Logotype




Fundación Eduardo Torrojain conjunction with the Spanish Ministry of Public Works’ Directorate General of Architecture and Building and the Technical University of Madrid / UPM, announces an ‘International Ideas Competition’ on the occasion of the institution of the Eduardo Torroja Museum. The Museum will be sited at Madrid’s Zarzuela Race Track, one of Torroja’s most emblematic works.


Contestants only must deliver their proposals by email, opting to the following prizes:


First Prize: 4,000 euros

Second Prize: 1,000 euros


Minutes of Jury Decision published


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cuadradoamarillo International Conference on Construction Research Eduardo Torroja


IMAGEN JORNADA 2013 english


 On the occasion of Science Week, the Fundación Eduardo Torroja will be organising an international conference on construction research entitled “Housing: past, present and future”, in conjunction with the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Science, the Fundación Juanelo Turriano and the Technical University of Madrid. The conference is being called to support research, history and innovation and to raise public awareness of the importance of these disciplines and of their transmission through education.


The conference will consist of two full-day sessions, on 21 and 22 November 2013, held at the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science.


The Fundación Eduardo Torroja encouraged to participate actively in the conference, sending communications.

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cuadradoamarillo International Ideas Competition 2013



 The Fundación Eduardo Torroja, in conjunction with the Spanish Community of Madrid, Department of Transport, Infrastructure and Housing, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Technical Schools of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Technical University of Madrid, the Fundación Juanelo Turriano, SIKA Spain and F.Molina obras y servicios, announce an International Ideas Competition for architectural and civil engineering students.


Contestants only must deliver a single 50x70-cm poster (on digital media), opting to the following prizes:


First Prize: 6,000 euros
Second Prize: 3,000 euros
Third Prize: 1,500 euros


more information

Rewarded proposals



cuadradoamarillo Concurso Nacional de D ibujo 2013






La Fundación Eduardo Torroja convoca el Concurso de Dibujo "mi casa del futuro"para niños de Primero de la ESO, con la colaboración del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, la Consejería de Transportes, Infraestructuras y Vivienda de la Comunidad de Madrid, la Fundación Juanelo Turriano, las Escuelas Técnicas Superiores de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, el Vicerrectorado de relaciones internacionales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SIKA España y F. Molina obras y servicios.





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eduardotorroja 📌Feliz viernes!😀Ya puedes preinscribirte en el Concurso Internacional de Ideas para el diseño de cartel del 90 aniv…
eduardotorroja RT @FJTurriano: #JuevesDeArquitectura Tribuna del @HipodromoMadrid Arquitectos: Arniches y Domínguez. Ingeniero: Torroja En: Hormigón y ac…
eduardotorroja RT @FJTurriano: #JuevesDeArquitectura Proyecto de mercado en Guinea. Arquitecto Blanco Soler, ingeniero Eduardo Torroja. En: Cubiertas lami…

Fundación Eduardo Torroja  −  C/ Almagro nº42, 28010 Madrid    −   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Privacy Policy     Translated by Margaret Clark

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